Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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189 lines
(Not everything in this file is 100% accurate...)
This version of epic contains J. Kean Johnston's color stripping
code. This code is an attempt at making color support more UNIX friendly
in IRC clients. The color parsing code has been designed to fit in with
my term.c replacement as well.
The aim of this code is to strip all incoming messages of non-portable
color codes, and to convert those color codes to the codes specific to the
terminal type of the user, if such codes exist. It also extends mIRC and
PIRCH's Ctrl-C color codes to allow for an easier set of supported colors.
Please encourage the authors of those programs to adhere to this set, so
that we can have uniformity amongst the competing clients out there.
Since ANSI escape codes have been around for so long, and are so widely
used in so many environments, this code uses the ANSI escape codes as its
base. That is, it can understand ANSI escape sequences in incoming
strings, and map those sequences down to terminal-specific escape
sequences. The color numbers supported in Ctrl-C type strings also match
the ANSI color set. For your reference, here are the extended Ctrl-C
sequences this code recognises, and the ANSI escape sequences recognised.
These map down to a specific color on the display:
| Extended Ctrl-C color numbers |
| Ctrl-C Number | ANSI Escape Sequence | Color |
| 30 | ESC [ 0; 30 m | Black foreground |
| 31 | ESC [ 0; 31 m | Red foreground |
| 32 | ESC [ 0; 32 m | Green foreground |
| 33 | ESC [ 0; 33 m | Brown foreground |
| 34 | ESC [ 0; 34 m | Blue foreground |
| 35 | ESC [ 0; 35 m | Magenta foreground |
| 36 | ESC [ 0; 36 m | Cyan foreground |
| 37 | ESC [ 0; 37 m | White foreground |
| 40 | ESC [ 40 m | Black background |
| 41 | ESC [ 41 m | Red background |
| 42 | ESC [ 42 m | Green background |
| 43 | ESC [ 43 m | Brown background |
| 44 | ESC [ 44 m | Blue background |
| 45 | ESC [ 45 m | Magenta background |
| 46 | ESC [ 46 m | Cyan background |
| 47 | ESC [ 47 m | White background |
| 50 | ESC [ 1; 30 m | Grey foreground |
| 51 | ESC [ 1; 31 m | Bright red foreground |
| 52 | ESC [ 1; 32 m | Bright green foreground |
| 53 | ESC [ 1; 33 m | Yellow foreground |
| 54 | ESC [ 1; 34 m | Bright blue foreground |
| 55 | ESC [ 1; 35 m | Bright magenta foreground |
| 56 | ESC [ 1; 36 m | Bright cyan foreground |
| 57 | ESC [ 1; 37 m | Bright white foreground |
In order to support existing mIRC color codes, the following map is applied
to Ctrl-C colors with the given values. Note that each color can have a
slightly different value when interpreted as a foreground or a background
color. This is the problem with the color set the mIRC author chose. Unless
the user is on a graphics device with a large color pallete, the mappings
are inaccurate.
| mIRC Ctrl-C color mappings |
| Ctrl-C # | Foreground ANSI | Background ANSI | Fore / back Color |
| 0 | ESC [ 1; 37 m | ESC [ 47 m | Bright white / White |
| 1 | ESC [ 0; 30 m | ESC [ 40 m | Black / Black |
| 2 | ESC [ 0; 34 m | ESC [ 44 m | Blue / Blue |
| 3 | ESC [ 0; 32 m | ESC [ 42 m | Green / Green |
| 4 | ESC [ 0; 31 m | ESC [ 41 m | Red / Red |
| 5 | ESC [ 0; 33 m | ESC [ 43 m | Brown / Brown |
| 6 | ESC [ 0; 35 m | ESC [ 45 m | Magenta / Magenta |
| 7 | ESC [ 1; 31 m | ESC [ 41 m | Bright red / Red |
| 8 | ESC [ 1; 33 m | ESC [ 43 m | Yellow / brown |
| 9 | ESC [ 1; 32 m | ESC [ 42 m | Bright green / Green |
| 10 | ESC [ 0; 36 m | ESC [ 46 m | Cyan / Cyan |
| 11 | ESC [ 1; 36 m | ESC [ 46 m | Bright Cyan Cyan |
| 12 | ESC [ 1; 34 m | ESC [ 44 m | Bright blue / Blue |
| 13 | ESC [ 1; 35 m | ESC [ 45 m | Bright Magenta / Magenta |
| 14 | ESC [ 1; 30 m | ESC [ 40 m | Grey / Black |
| 15 | ESC [ 0; 37 m | ESC [ 40 m | Grey / White |
By special dispensation, there is also a function which can be used for
preparing strings with color in scripts or in settable variables. There is
a function which will replace these special formatting variables with the
appropriate Ctrl-C colors, if colorization is turned on. The table below
lists the escape sequences recognised, and what they are replaced with.
| Embedded color escape sequences |
| % char | ANSI Escape Sequence | Color |
| %k | ESC [ 0; 30 m | Black foreground |
| %K | ESC [ 1; 30 m | Grey foreground |
| %r | ESC [ 0; 31 m | Red foreground |
| %R | ESC [ 1; 31 m | Bright red foreground |
| %g | ESC [ 0; 32 m | Green foreground |
| %G | ESC [ 1; 32 m | Bright green foreground |
| %y | ESC [ 0; 33 m | Brown foreground |
| %Y | ESC [ 1; 33 m | Yellow foreground |
| %b | ESC [ 0; 34 m | Blue foreground |
| %B | ESC [ 1; 34 m | Bright blue foreground |
| %m / %p | ESC [ 0; 35 m | Magenta foreground |
| %M / %P | ESC [ 1; 35 m | Bright magenta foreground |
| %c | ESC [ 0; 36 m | Cyan foreground |
| %C | ESC [ 1; 36 m | Bright cyan foreground |
| %w | ESC [ 0; 37 m | White foreground |
| %W | ESC [ 1; 37 m | Bright white foreground |
| %F | ESC [ 5 m | Turn blinking on |
| %f | ESC [ 6 m | Turn blinking off |
| %n | Variable | All colors turned off |
| %N | Nothing | Dont clear colors at EOS |
| %% | % | A litteral % character |
What colors.c does
The colorization module provides several utility functions designed to ease
the display of strings on the local client. These functions should be used
to prepare the final output string to the clients screen. Firstly, there
is a "stripper" function. This will remove all color formatting characters
and escape sequences from the specified string, and return it. This
fucntion can optionally repove any graphics characters from the string as
well (upper PC ASCII characters, and all lower ASCII characters). NOTE:
this will remove characters such as ^B, ^V and ^_, the characters used to
turn on bold, inverse and underline in a string. This function is rather
brutal in its removal of string characters.
Another function provided will take the given input string and convert any
embedded ANSI or Ctrl-C color codes to the color codes supported by the
users terminal. It will also insert the escape sequences for turning on
and off the bold, inverse and underline modes when ^B, ^V and ^_ are
encountered in the string. This function can be used to prepare a "final"
string for display. The function will optionally convert any upper and
lower ASCII characters to their graphics equivalents if your terminal
supports them, or will inverse the characters or strip off the high bit if
your terminal does not support the display of special PC characters.
A third function is basically an extension of the second, except it takes
"fill prefix" and width arguments, and will prepare a set of strings ready
to display to the client, including wrapping and insertion of the fill
string. This correctly calculates the string lengths so as to exclude
special characters when calculating when to wrap the string.
User control over the colorization process
There are a few variables the user can set to control the colorization and
stripping process. They are:
OFF - Dont allow any color codes at all
ON - Allow all coolors codes
OFF - Do not do any ansi-code translation, Mangle escapes
ON - Translate all 'safe' codes to their logical equivalents.
Strip out all other codes.
Legal values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
0 - Strip all upper ASCII and lower ASCII strings except for ^B, ^V,
^_ and ^F.
1 - If the terminal has dispc/S1 capability, use it.
Otherwise, use the "traditional" 7-bit interverted translation.
(eg: (x | 0x40 & 0x7f) (you have to see it to understand)) (default)
2 - Same as #1, except the translation is done in a more 'sane' way and
attempts to render in a way more friendly to scripts that are using
8 bit characters to "draw". Translated characters are inverted so
that you know they were translated.
3 - Same as #2, except translated characters are not inverted.
4 - Always display characters without translation.
5 - Always display characters with "sane" translation.
Things still to do
a) Preparing long display strings for display optimization
b) Making the input stuff color / ROM CHAR friendly (done!)
c) Make the graphics character translation map configurable
d) Some minor cleanups which reduce function overhead
e) Calculate more values at the start of the display calc loop for speed
f) Much more testing
g) Handle things where terminal cant turn off auto-margins (I think this
is already handled correctly). (durn bogus terminals!)
h) Make more code use the accululator to speed up displays
i) Actually write the accumulator :-)